P6 Aviation’s Policies and Procedures




P6 Aviation

27 Wright Way

Fairfield, NJ 07004

Phone: 973-575-0520

Email: info@p6aviation.com

Website: p6aviation.com


Essex County Airport (KCDW) 27 Wright Way

Fairfield, NJ 07004

973-227-4567 (24/7)





The following policies and procedures are supplemental to the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR’s) and are designed to ensure not only operational safety but that all flying experiences are optimized for learning and enjoyment.

  1. Regulation Compliance

    1. You are required to be familiar with the most current FAR/AIM and abide by all such rules and regulations, as may be amended or supplemented. By entering into this Manual, you represent and warrant that you are familiar with such regulations, are able to comply with such regulations, and will maintain familiarity with those regulations throughout your time as a client of P6. It is your responsibility to educate yourself on such regulations and to maintain familiarity with those regulations.

    2. Any FAA violation, or suspected violation, by a client will be investigated by P6 and may be resolved at P6's sole discretion. Clients and instructors are required to report any incidents and/or accidents immediately to P6 and to submit a written report within 24 hours. They may take pre-emptive action with the FAA by means of a NASA report, if determined necessary.

  2. Billing, Payment and General Client Policies

    1. Flight Schedule Pro is the platform utilized by P6 Aviation for scheduling of all lessons/flights, as well as invoicing/billing. All clients are required to maintain current account information in Flight Schedule Pro. If information is expired, access to rentals and instruction will be revoked until information is made current.

    2. All clients are required to keep a current valid credit card or connected bank account in Flight Schedule Pro.

    3. Clients are permitted but not required to maintain a current cash account to fund flight activities. Funds may be added to a cash account using ACH wire transfer, check, or cash payments. Current cash account balances will be available for reference in Flight Schedule Pro.

    4. Invoices are to be paid in full at the completion of a flight. If a current cash account exists, payment will be deducted from the account after each flight. If the funds in a current cash account do not cover the full cost of an invoice, or if no current cash account is maintained, then the credit card or bank account on file in Flight Schedule Pro will be charged for the remaining balance. Funds left on account in excess of twelve (12 months) will not be refunded.

    5. All aircraft are billed at an hourly rental rate, exclusive of fuel, fees or flight instruction. Oil, TKS and cleaning fluids are included in the hourly rental rate.

    6. Fuel and flight instructors are billed as separate hourly rate line items. When provided fuel cards are not usable on solo rentals, out of pocket fuel reimbursement will require a receipt and will be reimbursed up to the current price of fuel at KCDW. Reimbursement will be through a credit to the invoice upon invoicing for the completed flight.

    7. Flight instruction is billed on a per hour basis for the entire length of a reservation. Overnight trips requiring a flight instructor will be billed for a minimum of 8 hrs per day.

    8. Any travel expenses incurred for a flight instructor (i.e. hotel, food, transportation) are the responsibility of the client and will be billed with the flight invoice.

    9. Fees including but not limited to landing fees and aircraft handling fees are billed as they are received. If fees are billed at a date later than the services were incurred, they will be invoiced back to the client upon receipt by P6 Aviation.

    10. Accessories including headsets will be billed as an additional fee at the time of usage.

    11. A cancellation fee of a minimum of $250 may be charged for any flight canceled by the client less than seventy two (72) hours in advance.

    12. There is a minimum daily rental rate of 2 hours per 24 hours, unless otherwise approved by P6 management.

    13. Each flight will be dispatched digitally through Flight Schedule Pro and Client will be authorized access to a physical key to the airplane. Solo renters must acknowledge the flight with their personal PIN to check out the airplane, and enter Hobbs/Tach Out/In times in Flight Schedule Pro. Failure to check the plane in and out,or to submit Hobbs/Tach times upon completion of flight will result in a minimum fee of $50.

    14. All renters, including student solo pilots, are required to provide a copy of current renter’s insurance. P6 may, at any time and for any reason, request updated proof of such insurance coverage. As a client of P6, you agree to maintain adequate coverage in

      place to satisfy these requirements (which are subject to change in the company's sole discretion) at all relevant times, and not to permit any such policies to lapse. The minimum requirements are as follows and any pilot may exceed these requirements at their discretion:

      1. Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability:

        1. $100,000 each person

        2. $1,000,000 property damage

        3. $1,000,000 each accident

      2. Aircraft Damage Liability:

        1. $60,000 each non-owned aircraft

    15. Upon enrollment, clients must provide 2 valid forms of government issued ID, including US Passport (which must be presented in person).

    16. Copies of pilot certificate and medical are required for current FAA certificated pilots. It is Client’s responsibility to maintain proper credentials, certificates, and clearances as may be required to operate aircraft, and to provide P6 Aviation with updated certificates as required or when requested.

    17. P6's maintenance logbooks are available for review upon request. Clients may not remove them from the premises or copy any of the contents without P6's express, written consent.

    18. P6 Aviation takes alcohol and drug awareness seriously. If any pilot is struggling with either alcohol or drug dependency, they should know that management takes a

      non-punitive stance toward disclosure and will assist in finding help for that pilot in any form. However, if any pilot is found to have operated or had the intent to operate a P6 aircraft under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they will be prohibited from doing so and may be subject to legal action or other enforcement by the company and/or the FAA.

    19. All pilots are expected to be current, according to the FAR’s. Additionally:

      1. If a renter pilot does not fly a specific make and model P6 aircraft within 30 days, they are required to fly that make and model with a P6 instructor prior to renting an aircraft;

      2. If a renter pilot does not fly a specific make and model at night within 45 days, they are required to fly that make and model with a P6 instructor at night, prior to renting an aircraft at night;

      3. A VFR Recurrent check is required every 6 months via completion of the course on cirrusapproach.com, including flight with P6 instructor and self study portions;

      4. An IFR Recurrent check (for instrument rated pilots) is required every 6 months via completion of the course on cirrusapproach.com, including flight with P6 instructor and self study portions.

  3. Flight Procedures

    1. Clients are only permitted to fly company aircraft when accompanied by a P6 Aviation instructor pilot, unless they are conducting solo flights toward a rating or have been approved as a renter by P6.

    2. Renter insurance meeting P6 requirements is mandatory for all solo flights, both as a student pilot and certificated pilot. Current updated insurance coverage requirements are available upon request from P6 Aviation.

    3. Except for authorized flight instruction with a P6 Aviation instructor pilot, commercial operations with P6 Aviation aircraft are expressly prohibited.

    4. P6 undertakes reasonable and appropriate measures to ensure each aircraft is ready for flight, but each pilot is responsible for their individual flight, including adequate oil and fuel on board.

    5. A minimum fuel reserve of at least sixty minutes must be planned for every flight.

    6. At a minimum, strobe and nav lights shall be used for both daytime and nighttime ground operations to ensure maximum visibility to all aircraft. Landing light during the daytime is to be used at pilot discretion based on phase of flight. Landing light at nighttime is required to be used at all times while taxiing. Pilots are expected to use caution and common sense to restrict lighting as necessary (e.g. turn off landing light temporarily if another aircraft is taxiing directly toward you) so long as it will not distract them or cause them to conduct unsafe taxi operations. The priority is for P6 pilots to operate safely while taxiing, using all legal means to do so.

    7. Practice Areas:

      1. There are 2 “practice areas” that are to be used by all P6 pilots.

        1. “West of Lake Hopatcong” – This area is outside of the Class B airspace and located to the NW of KCDW

        2. “The onion fields” – This area is outside of the Class B and located due north of KCDW

      2. Operating in both practice areas requires extreme vigilance due to both the quantity of other VFR aircraft practicing as well as IFR arrivals into the major NYC airports. Use of TCAS is critical and coordination with NY Approach Control on

        127.6 (or any other frequency in use that day) is strongly encouraged, at pilot’s reasonable discretion.

    8. Solo pilots, both student and certificated, are prohibited from practicing maneuvers without an instructor. No maneuver will be conducted below 1000’ AGL, even if in unpopulated areas. Slow flight, stalls and simulated emergencies will be conducted no lower than 3000’ AGL.

    9. Additionally, pilots will not cruise lower than 2500’ MSL in the local area and 3500’AGL on a cross-country flight, as deemed appropriate by the PIC according to route of flight.

    10. At the conclusion of each flight, the pilot in command will ensure that the aircraft is tied down in 3 designated locations (both wings and tail), pitot tube cover installed and engine cowl plugs installed. Additionally, Cirrus-branded windscreen cover will be installed. If an aircraft is parked in a hangar, then the hangar door shall be closed, locked and verified.

    11. For ground operations, in addition to using all available lights, pilots will give way to other aircraft (or at least stop the aircraft and inquire from ATC/CTAF) if they are unsure who has the right-of-way. If instructions from ground control are unclear, pilots must use

      their best efforts to gain clarity in time to avoid a collision. In the event of uncertainty, yield to the other aircraft.

    12. For flight operations, pilots will adhere to FAR rules and regulations.

    13. Landings will be conducted only at published airports and only on a paved runway of at least twice the computed landing distance for that particular flight, unless conducting a precautionary or emergency landing.

    14. Touch-and-go landings are prohibited during all flights permitted except with a P6 instructor pilot on board. Only full stop/taxi back landings are permitted for solo flights of any kind.

    15. Solo landings on runways less than 3500’ are prohibited, unless pre-approved by P6 Aviation or in the event of an emergency.

    16. Landings on grass runways are prohibited.

    17. Fuel cards are provided in each aircraft and must be used whenever possible. When provided fuel cards are not usable, out of pocket fuel reimbursement will require a receipt and will be reimbursed up to the current price of fuel at KCDW. Reimbursement will be through a credit to the invoice upon invoicing for the completed flight.

    18. Pilots are expected to log any maintenance discrepancies and report them to management immediately. If an item is able to be deferred, that decision will be up to management and made in conjunction with the pilot in command of the airplane.

    19. All aircraft are equipped with OK TO TOW/DO NOT TOW signs, which are to be used at all airports at all times. If the parking brake is set, aircraft are not to be towed under any circumstances. PIC is responsible for sign usage and ultimately, for any damages incurred as a result of non-usage.

    20. Overnight trips may be approved on a case-by-case basis at P6's sole discretion.

    21. Aircraft are required to hangared if temperatures are forecast to be below 40F, unless otherwise approved by P6 management. Additionally, aircraft are required to be hangared if severe convective activity or other potentially destructive w

    22. Weather Minimums

      1. Flight instruction: P6 instructor pilots maintain sole discretion over each individual flight as to whether it can safely be conducted, given the weather conditions at the time and forecast for the duration of the flight.

      2. Solo flight (Student pilots): Student pilots are not authorized to fly solo unless they have been properly endorsed by a P6 instructor. Each particular flight must be reviewed and approved by a P6 instructor. At a minimum, student solo flight will be conducted only with weather conditions of >10SM visibility and >5000’ ceilings along the entire route of flight. The only exception is student solo landing practice at KCDW, where weather minima are permitted to be lower than those stated above and approved at instructor’s discretion, per each flight.

      3. Solo flight (Non-Instrument Rated Certificated Pilots): Certificated pilots must abide by FAA Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and are not permitted to depart, cruise or land if the conditions for the entire flight do not meet those conditions. No solo flight is ever permitted with current or forecast Marginal VFR (MVFR) conditions.

      4. Solo flight (Instrument Rated Certificated Pilots): Instrument-rated pilots are to use their personal minimums to determine suitability for flight, however, are not permitted to depart any airport unless the published Part 121 minimums are met. Additionally, pilots must abide by all FAR/AIM regulations as pertains to IFR minimums.

      5. If the wind conditions are, or forecast to be >15KTS steady state or >20KT gusts, all student solo and solo rental flights must be pre-approved by P6 on a case-by-case basis.

    23. Winter operation

      1. Preheating procedures: When overnight OAT is forecast to be below 40F degrees, engine preheating is mandatory. No aircraft may be started unless oil temperatures are at least 40F. If a Tanis Preheating system is unavailable, then aircraft must be parked in a heated hangar for at least 2 hours prior to flight. Pilots are expected to follow Cirrus criteria and thresholds for all preheating procedures.

      2. De-icing: Normal de-icing in a Cirrus Aircraft is performed using approved TKS fluid, supplied by P6. Under no conditions are P6 aircraft to be de-iced at an FBO (i.e. Signature) unless permission has been received and expense

        pre-approved from management. Under no conditions is ice to be removed by use of any manual/mechanical tool.

      3. FIKI operations: All SR22 aircraft are equipped with the Cirrus FIKI system, which is kept airworthy at all times. Prior to flight into known ice, all pilots are required to check TKS fluid quantity, maintain minimum dispatch fluid if required for flight and to request additional fluid if necessary. Flight into known ice should only be conducted when the situation is temporary and better conditions prevail for the vast majority of the flight. Although a very robust system, it can be overcome by moderate/severe icing and is not meant for flight into continuous icing. SR20 aircraft are not equipped with a FIKI system, and must avoid icing conditions without exception.

    24. Fire Precautions and Procedures

      1. All P6 Cirrus Aircraft come equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers are expected to be used if necessary, in situations as directed by the Cirrus checklist.

      2. Fire extinguishers will be provided in each hangar, to be used as necessary.

      3. If any situation arises that requires external help from the airport, crash/fire/rescue or other professional authority, all pilots should not hesitate to declare an emergency and clearly ask for assistance.

    25. Minimum Fuel Reserves

      1. Local flights: No pilot shall depart for a local flight without at least having the aircraft fueled “to the tabs”. A local flight is defined as a flight that will not be traveling greater than 50 nautical miles and will be making a full stop landing at the departure airport no more than 1.0 hour later. If pilots intend to keep an

        aircraft out beyond 1.0 hour in the local area, then they are required to ensure that the aircraft is fueled “full”.

      2. Cross-country flights: During both day & night, visual meteorological conditions (VMC) & instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), pilots will adhere to FAR rules and regulations and ensure that adequate fuel is on board for any given flight, with a minimum of 60 minutes of reserve fuel for all flights.

  4. Multimedia Rights, Usage and Policies

    1. P6 Aviation may use multimedia including videography as well as still photography during instruction both for training as well as marketing purposes. Client hereby grants permission to the rights of their image, likeness and sound of voice as recorded on audio or video without payment or any other consideration. Client understands that this material may be used within an unrestricted geographic area, and that photographic or video recordings may be electronically displayed via the Internet.

    2. Clients are not permitted to record multimedia during training sessions or solo rental without the express written consent of P6 Aviation.

    3. Clients will not attach any multimedia devices to any aircraft surfaces, both interior and exterior, without the explicit written authorization of P6 Aviation.

    4. Any aircraft damage due to the usage of multimedia recording equipment will be the responsibility of the Client.

Terms & Acknowledgement

By accessing or using a P6 aircraft, and/or engaging the services of P6 Aviation, you represent that you are in full compliance with the terms of these provisions. P6 reserves the right to deny access to its facilities and/or aircraft in the event that you are unable to comply with this provision or any other terms of this Manual. You represent that all information provided by you to P6 pursuant to this Manual is truthful, accurate, and complete, and that you will immediately notify P6 in the event of any circumstances or conditions that void such representation.


I acknowledge that I have received, read and understand the copy of P6 Aviation’s Policy and Procedures Manual that was issued to me. I understand that this is a legally binding and enforceable agreement and I intend to be bound by its terms and conditions. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about these terms and conditions, and have those questions answered to my satisfaction.

I agree to comply with all terms and conditions in this Manual at all times, to notify P6 in

the event that I learn of or suspect any violation thereof, and to otherwise cooperate with P6 and assist P6 with any and all efforts to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions.

I further understand that P6 is relying upon my acknowledgement herein, and compliance with these terms. I understand and am aware of the risks and dangers associated with flying any aircraft, including the risk of serious injury or death. I further understand that compliance with these terms and conditions, and any other requirements or suggestions provided by P6, does not guarantee that operation of any aircraft will be free of any defect, accident, incident, or injury of any nature or severity.

I agree to care for and operate all company aircraft in terms of the conditions of this manual as long as the aircraft is in my control.

I also understand that a master copy of this manual, along with any updates and revisions, is available for my review at any time in order to confirm that my copy is up to date.

Client Signature                            

Printed Name                              


** I am the parent or legal guardian of the participant indicated above, who is under the age of 18. I agree on behalf of my child or ward to all the terms contained in this release. **

Parent/Guardian Signature                             Printed Parent/Guardian Name                       Date                 

Renter Agreement

I, the undersigned Client, hereby state, under penalty of perjury, that all of the foregoing statements, identifying information, representations and warranties, are true and correct, and that each of them, are considered by P6 AVIATION to be material representations of material facts, upon which P6 AVIATION is relying in making its decision whether to rent an aircraft to me, or not. I UNDERSTAND THAT, WITHOUT ALL OF THE FOREGOING REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES HAVING BEEN MADE, AND HAVING BEEN TRUTHFUL, P6 AVIATION WOULD CHOOSE NOT ACCEPT THIS OFFER TO RENT.

Done and made at Fairfield, Essex County, New Jersey.

As used above and below, the term “P6 AVIATION” shall be deemed to include: P6 AVIATION located at 27 Wright Way, Fairfield, New Jersey, and all of its officers, directors, managers, members, partners, affiliates, agents, employees, and independent contractors; as well as the owners of all aircraft managed by P6 AVIATION. P6 AVIATION is in the business of managing aircraft, providing aircraft for rental, as well as offering, through independent contractors, agents, and employees, flight instruction.

P6 AVIATION reserves that absolute right to deny its services or aircraft to any person, for any lawful reason, within its sole discretion.

In addition to the general representations and warranties made in the Manual, this form contains additional representations and warranties which must be made to P6 AVIATION in order to be considered to be able to rent an aircraft from P6 AVIATION.

The individual identified above (the Client) hereby represents and warrants to P6 AVIATION as follows: General Qualifications:

  1. Client is the current holder of a valid Airman’s Certificate or Student Pilot Certificate and if required by regulation a medical certificate and flight review, all of which are in full force and without limitations.

  2. Client has in place, and will maintain, a policy of renter’s insurance sufficient to pay not less than Sixty Thousand United States Dollars(US$60,000.00) to P6 AVIATION for any damages or expenses incurred by P6 AVIATION while any aircraft rented to Client by P6 AVIATION is in the care of Client. If required by the policy, P6 AVIATION must be named as an additional insured under the policy. Client’s renter’s insurance shall be PRIMARY for any claims made. Client agrees to provide a true and correct copy of the policy to P6 AVIATION prior to operating any aircraft. P6 AVIATION may amend its insurance requirements at any time.

  3. Client has actually logged the required hours specified by P6 AVIATION and its insurers, and has received a “check out” with an FAA licensed Certified Flight Instructor approved by P6 AVIATION. Said checkout must be repeated, if the Client has not flown an aircraft from P6 AVIATION for an excess of 30 days from the last such flight.

  4. Client shall not sublease, sub-rent, or otherwise allow other individuals to operate the aircraft rented from P6 AVIATION. Client further agrees not to conduct any commercial flights as defined under New Jersey State Tax Law and/or Federal Aviation Regulations.

  5. Client shall not allow any other person to act as Pilot In Command of the aircraft (unless the Client has rented the aircraft from P6 AVIATION for the express purpose of taking flight instruction from a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) or FAA Designated Examiners, approved in advance by P6 AVIATION).

  6. Client must operate the aircraft only under the provisions of Part 91 of the Federal Aviation Regulations and comply with all applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, NTSB Regulations and applicable laws as well as the Flight Operations Manual of P6 AVIATION.

  7. Client shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless P6 AVIATION (including its owners, operators, management, members, employees, agents, contractors, representatives, and those acting on their behalf) from and against any and all claims, actions, charges, expenses, costs, fees (including attorneys' fees), charges, taxes, liabilities, and assessments against such persons or entities related to or arising from Client's actual or alleged violation of any law; rule, regulation, code, procedure, or term of this Manual. This includes, but Is not limited to, any damages suffered or incurred by Client or any third party as a result of Client's breach of this Manual, negligence, willful misconduct, or fraud.

  8. Client may not operate the aircraft in any race, speed test or contest.

  9. Client may not operate the aircraft outside the limits of the Continental United States, unless specifically authorized, in writing, by P6 AVIATION, or unless required to do so by specific ATC directive in the event of a National Emergency.

  10. In case of flights terminating after business hours, Client specifically authorizes P6 AVIATION to charge the pre-paid cash account or credit card account established by Offeror at the next resumption of business hours. In the event that Client does not pay the invoice for any flight in full, Client specifically authorizes P6 AVIATION to utilize the balance remaining in Client’s cash account, or to charge the credit card on file, for the cost of the unpaid invoice for the use of P6 AVIATION’S aircraft. Client understands and agrees that any further requests to utilize or rent aircraft from P6 AVIATION will NOT be accepted while any charges under a prior aircraft rental agreement, including but not limited to rental charges and instructor time, remain unpaid. Client further understands and agrees that Client will be responsible, and will be charged for, interest at the highest rate allowed by law, and for any other charges, administrative expenses and/or late fees allowed by law, in the event of non-payment of any invoice from P6 AVIATION.

  11. Client is solely and exclusively responsible for all landing fees, tie down fees, hangar fees, FBO fees, Customs fees, etc.,

  12. Client must immediately report any discrepancies or irregularities (“squawks”) with the aircraft to P6 AVIATION, and will comply with any directives made by P6 AVIATION regarding how to deal with such matters. Client understands and agrees, however, that, as Pilot In Command, Client shall have the final authority and responsibility for determining that the aircraft is airworthy for further flight as well as the limitations of the pilot’s ability to continue any flight.

  13. Client agrees that in the event of mechanical, electrical or electronic problems during the rental, they must call P6 AVIATION at (973) 575-0520 and, if necessary, wait for a return phone call, before having any repairs performed by anyone.

  14. Client agrees to pay for the cost of ferrying P6 AVIATION’S aircraft from a location other than Essex County Airport (KCDW) back to KCDW in the event that the Client leaves the aircraft at such other place for reasons other than a bona fide technical or mechanical problem with the aircraft. Client understands and agrees that it is Client’s responsibility to watch all weather as it develops, and to plan each flight, and amend such plan as necessary, to avoid being forced to an airport other than KCDW.

  15. Client agrees to return the aircraft to P6 AVIATION at Essex County Airport (KCDW) at the scheduled time, unless technical problems with the aircraft or its components make this impossible or unsafe. In the event of necessary delay Client will advise P6 AVIATION of any delay at the earliest available time. Client understands and agrees that if the late return is due to any factor other than a technical problem with the aircraft or its components, Client will be charged a flat penalty of One Hour of rental time in the event that any scheduling delays for other renters result from the late return.

  16. P6 AVIATION disclaims any and all liability for any delays or cancellations to the provision of services, access to aircraft, scheduled flight time, or the like, regardless of cause or reason. In no event shall P6 AVIATION be liable to Client for any damages, including consequential damages, as a result of any such Client not having access to aircraft or services as anticipated, nor shall P6 AVIATION bear any such liability for any lawful or reasonable refusal of services or access to aircraft that it deems necessary or appropriate.

  17. Client accepts the liability and exclusive and sole responsibility for the repair or replacement of the aircraft for the full amount of losses sustained by P6 AVIATION, including lost rental income and liability claims made against P6 AVIATION which arise out of an accident or incident while the aircraft is being operated by the Client, including any events with a Certified Flight Instructor on board the aircraft Client will assume full financial responsibility for the repair to the aircraft and lost revenue regardless of the circumstances causing the damage. The manner in which the loss of rental income will be calculated will be that, beginning the day of the damage to the aircraft, P6 AVIATION shall utilize an aircraft to replace the damaged aircraft in its fleet. The total time of the fleet of P6 AVIATION aircraft, including the replacement aircraft, for aircraft of the category and class of aircraft that was damaged, will be computed until the date that the damaged aircraft is returned to service. The total flight time of this fleet will then be divided by the total number of aircraft of the category and class of aircraft, and the average flight time of one aircraft shall be assigned as the lost rental income due to P6 AVIATION from the loss of use of the damaged aircraft. Client’s responsibility for lost income will be based at the rate being charged for such type aircraft during the period that the damaged aircraft was unavailable to P6 AVIATION.

  18. If there is damage, or potential damage, that requires the engine to be removed for an inspection, and P6 AVIATION decidesto replace the engine for the purpose of returning the aircraft to service quickly, Client will be responsible for the lost revenue based on the anticipated time that would have been required for the inspection.

  19. Client shall return the aircraft and its contents in the same condition as it was when it was rented (ordinary wear and tear excepted). Any costs or expenses incurred by P6 to restore the aircraft to such original condition will be the sole and exclusive liability of Client and may be automatically charged to Client by P6.

  20. Client shall not offer to employ, or to otherwise use the services of, any person working for P6 AVIATION (including but not limited to Flight Instructors, employees, contractors, or suppliers), without the prior written consent of P6 AVIATION, while Client is a client of P6 AVIATION and for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months thereafter.

  21. Client shall pay all of the actual expenses, including attorney fees and costs, as well as all costs of collection, incurred by P6 AVIATION arising out of any dispute under any rental agreement.

  22. ARBITRATION. Any dispute arising out of this Manual, Client's status as a client of P6 AVIATION, or the operation of the aircraft described herein, shall require that the parties submit the dispute to Arbitration for final determination. Arbitration shall be held in the State of New Jersey, Essex County, and subject to the laws of the State of New Jersey, without regard to conflict-of-laws principles.

  23. Client acknowledges that it has read this entire document, and has understood each and every representation andwarranty that Client has made to P6 AVIATION. Client has had sufficient opportunity to seek counsel of his/her choice in consideration of entering into this Manual. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Client assumes all risk in the operation of the aircraft herein, including but not limited to risk of injury or damage to personal and real property, or risk or injury, damage, or death for any person.

AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED BY: Name:                                  Date: