
Consistently flying an airplane proficiently and confidently takes years of practice — and the most efficient way to practice is in a simulator.

As such, we employ a FlightOneTech AATD, which is an exact replica of the Cirrus Aircraft SR G6 series. By building muscle memory in a simulator that mimics the airplane you fly (as opposed to a generic one), your skills are 100% transferrable and will be there for you in critical moments.

Additional benefits of using a simulator as part of your training regimen are vast:

  • A simulator can stop mid-air — an airplane cannot! This means that you can make mistakes and get corrective instruction without endangering anyone

  • A simulator can be repositioned, meaning you can practice the same maneuver/scenario an unlimited amount of times until the concept is clear

  • A simulator can be flown on the worst of days, when the airplane would normally be grounded

  • Hours flown in this specific simulator count towards a portion of your flight training, depending on the certificate or rating that you’re training for

  • The costs of flying the simulator are significantly less than flying the airplane, so your training becomes more financially efficient as well